MAINTENANCE STAFF: Rick Butler Cell: 377-7522
CENTRAL PLANT: 241-6547 (7:00am - 3:30pm)
HVAC/HEATING-COOLING: Brad Austin Cell: 760-9063
LOCKS/HARDWARE: David Pike* Cell: 249-9467 Pager: 742-9467
PLUMBING: Craig Griffith Cell: 279-7738
ELECTRICAL: Josh Sayers* Cell: 371-8938 Pager: 742-6748
SPRINKLER: Mark Rippon Cell: 249-1572
CUSTODIAL SERVICES: Ann Courchaine Cell: 371-8347
* Indicates employees with pagers who should be given 20-30 minutes to respond to calls.
Call these two people in order if no one else can be reached.
- Kevin Rogers, District Facilities Supervisor: Cell: 224-6780
- Dave Jennison, District Facilities Manager: Cell: 760-9834
If any Major emergency should occur at the Waterbury Complex, or you are not reaching anyone on this list, you should contact John Hebert, Director of Operations and Maintenance, at 802-479-5626, or his cell at 802-279-3592. Please remember, EMERGENCIES ONLY!