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IT RFP for eProcurement Solution and Implementation Services

The Office of Purchasing & Contracting (OPC) on behalf of the State of Vermont, its departments, offices, institutions, and other agencies of the State of Vermont and counties, schools, institutions of higher education and municipalities, is soliciting competitive sealed, fixed price proposals (Proposals) from qualified firms/bidders to provide and implement a web-based software solution for Electronic Procurement (eProcurement) to increase efficiencies in the statewide procurement process, in accordance with the terms of this Request for Proposals (“RFP”).

Documents associated with the RFP for eProcurement Solution and Implementation Services are as follows:

RFP eProcurement Solution and Implementation Services

Bidder Response Form


ADDENDUM #2 (11-14-2017)

ADDENDUM #3 (12-22-2017)