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Postal Center

BGS Postal Center
1078 US Route 2
Middlesex, VT 05633-7601
Phone: (802) 828-2203 
Fax: (802) 828-3713

Important Notice - Electronic Address Correction

Please note that any job you send to BGS for Print/Mail processing utilizing the BGS Permit #212 is eligible for free-to-you electronic address correction.  A file will be sent to all participants on a weekly basis and will show your Customer Number, the job ID (or Print Shop Requisition number), the recipient’s name, their old address and their new address.

Please update your mailing lists when this information is provided to you.

Federal USPS Postal Rates Quick Reference Guide of USPS Rates - Domestic and International - effective 1/21/24

What We Do

  • Pickup and delivery of inter and intra- office mail
  • Pickup and metering of outgoing mail
  • Sort and delivery of incoming Federal mail
  • Delivery of print jobs for the Print Shop
  • Delivery and Pickup of records for the Vermont State Archives and Records Administration
  • 100% same day processing of all 1st class mail.
  • Automated mail processing
  • Authorized FedEx shipping agent for daily shipment of parcels
  • Security x-ray screening of all incoming USPS mail and small parcels


MLOCR (Multi-line Optical Character Reader)

The Postal Center (BGS Central Services Division) has invested in the MLOCRs address reading technology to verify the most current delivery addresses against the USPS database.  

How it Works

Agency mail is read by MLOCR.  This software is linked to the USPS data base containing the latest change of address for recipients who have moved and filed the necessary change of address orders. The new address is sprayed on the First Class mail piece in the form of an Intelligent Mail Barcode and the mail is sorted to the proper zip code for automated mail processing and postage discounts.


There must be a clear area on the envelope of 5/8" from the bottom edge of the mail piece or 4.75" from the right edge on all 1st class permitted envelopes. Envelope design and format are critical - they must meet standards for automation addressing.  The Postal Center staff will meet with you to discuss any questions you have related to envelope design and format specifications.