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COVID-19 Recovery Resource Center

As of June 16, 2021, all required pandemic health & safety procedures for most State facilities were removed under the Vermont Forward Plan. This page is no longer being updated. For current public health information visit

Facility Operations

Return to Worksite Guidance

Returning to the Worksite Checklist

Order Cleaning Supplies for State Facilities

Cleaning and Disinfection Protocols and Procedures

Beginning around May 1, 2021, BGS adjusted our risk-based approach to cleaning based on the updated CDC guidance, and the changeover to universal guidance for State facilities under the Vermont Forward Plan. In general, occupied facilities will return to routine cleaning. This will include once-daily disinfection of bathrooms and surfaces that are frequently touched by multiple people such as door handles, hand railings, light switches, etc.  

As of June 16, 2021 procedures for using State vehicles, including Fleet motorpool and those vehicles leased to agencies/departments, have returned to pre-pandemic status. Specific procedures may remain in place for healthcare, public safety, or correctional facilities.

Poster Placement Guides

Large Office Building
Small Office Building
Court Building
AHS Building

Building Posters

Building signage is no longer required following the lifting of all pandemic restrictions under the Vermont Forward Plan. There may be exceptions for healthcare, public safety, or correctional facilties. The posters linked below are being provided for informational purposes after June 16, 2021.

1 Universal Guidance Sign

5 Temporary Occupancy

9 Social Distance

10 Elevator Occupancy 1

11 Elevator Occupancy 2

12 Take the Stairs

13 Clean Personal Space

14 Restroom Social Distance

15 Hand Washing

16 Kitchen Cleaning

Services Declined