The buildings listed below are buildings that were identified to be within the 100 year flood plain. Buildings that were clearly outside of the floodplain were not listed. The assessments are to identify the potential magnitude of damages at the 100 year level and to identify the potential for floodproofing or reducing flood damages.
- 4 Governor Aiken Avenue
- 6 Baldwin Street - 135 State Street
- 10 Taylor Street
- 13 Green Mountain Drive
- 15 Green Mountain Drive
- 109 State Street
- 110 State Street
- 111 State Street
- 116 State Street
- 118 State Street
- 120 State Street
- 122 State Street
- 126 State Street
- 128 State Street
- 132 State Street
- 133 State Street
- 134 State Street
- 136 State Street
- 144 State Street -- No information. Building is in the 100 year flood plain. 100 year flood elevation is approximately 4 feet above floor level.