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Office of Purchasing and Contracting

Welcome to the Office of Purchasing and Contracting (OPC)

The Office of Purchasing and Contracting (OPC) oversees purchasing and contracting for the State of Vermont via the management of policies and compliance requirements of statutes and applicable administrative bulletins.


Support State Government by providing exceptional products and services to effectively meet customer requirements.


We are recognized by our customer as providing leadership, support and services for innovative, responsive and accountable public purchasing.

Strategic Direction:

Goal 1:  Deliver timely services, technical assistance, through engagement and collaboration.

Goal 2:  Endorse and promote immediate and long-term strategies in education and outreach to both
                  internal and external customers.

Goal 3:  Engage and influence participation in state processes by promoting transparency and
                  awareness/availability of on-line resources for conducting business with the State.

Office of Purchasing and Contracting
133 State Street, 5th Floor
Montpelier, Vermont 05633-8000
Phone: 802.828.2211
Fax: 802.828.2222
General email:                                 Subscribe to our newsletter!