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Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us

BGS Safety & Security
133 State St, Suite 120
Montpelier, VT 05633-2101 
(802) 828-0777

Badges and IDs

"Valid State Identification Cards for Full-time Employees, Part-time employees, members of boards, commissions and contractors shall be worn at all times while inside a state office building."
All State Identification Cards must be obtained through the Department of Buildings and General Services, Division of State Security. (BGS Administrative Policy 0023)

Q. How does the access card work?

A.  These access cards are also known as "proximity cards" and need to be held close to the reader.  There are fine copper wires inside the card which allow the card to communicate with the card reader.  Some card readers are more sensitive than others and can read the cards from a greater distance. Each time the card is used, a record is recorded of the date, time, and door accessed.  The system also creates a record of any time an unauthorized card holder attempts to gain access through a door.  Please remember that once in a building, unless there are internal doors controlled by the access system, a card is not needed to exit the building.  Each card will arrive in a hard plastic case.  This case protects the card from being bent in any way, which can damage the wires and render the card inoperable. 

Q. I work at more than one site. Will I need multiple cards?

A. No.  An access card can hold access to multiple buildings.

Q. Do I need to schedule with Security to have my photo taken?

A. No.  Photos are no longer taken at the BGS Safety & Security office in Montpelier. They can be taken with a digial camera or smartphone and sent to us along with the New Badge Request Form.   Badge Photo Instrcutions

Q. Who decides what access I get?

A. Access is decided by your Director or Department Supervisor and authorized by the Badge and Permit Appointed Authority or their authorized designee. Additional access can be granted after the card has been issued when your supervisor submits an ADD ACCESS  badge request form.  The cardholder does not need a new picture as the authorized access is added electronically.

Q. Can I give my card to another person to use?

A. No, the badge is non-transferable. Please remember that the system generates a record each time your card is used on any door in the card access system. You may have authorization, but the person you are lending the card may not.

Q. I lost my card. What do I do?

A. First, it is important to notify your supervisor AND BGS Safety & Security (802-828-0777) as soon as you notice your card missing. Your card will immediately be coded LOST and deactivated.  If you find your card, contact us again and we can reactivate teh card.  If, after you have reported your card lost and you cannot find it, a replacement can be issued by following the steps for a new badge.

Q. My card does not work, what do I do?

A. First, make sure you are not outside of your authorized time or that you are attempting to go through a door you are not authorized to access.  Next, make sure the reader beeps and the light changes to green when the card is presented at the reader. If it does not beep and the light doesn't turn green, most likely the card has been damaged and needs to be replaced. Please contact us (802-828-0777) if you encounter any issues with your card.

Q. What do I do with an old card?

A.  All cards should be sent back to BGS Safety & Security at 133 State Street, Suite 505, Montpelier, VT 05633-2101.  This includes non-working cards or cards of those who left state service.  Please return your card if you transfer to another Department and a new card is issued, orif you find a LOST card after a replacement card has been issued.

Q. Can I get a report showing when an employee used their card at a specific reader?

A.  Yes, however the request must come from your DHR representative. Please use our Request for Security Information form.

Q. Can I get a report showing which employees have access at specific card readers?

A. Yes. This report can be submitted by the Bdge and Permit Appointed Authority. We will provide a list of employees within your respective department/division. Requests can be sent to

Card Readers

Q. If I want to add a card reader will BGS cover the expense?

A.  No.  BGS will pay for card readers on exterior and common space doors only.  Any exterior and common space doors are completed at the discretion of BGS Safety & Security, if deemed appropriate.  Doors that lead in or out of department/division specific space are the responsibility of that department.