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Safe and Healthy Building Environments

Submit a work order for leaks, odors and noises Submit a work order for an Air Quality or Health Issue
Leaks, Odors and Noises Air Quality or Health Issue

To report a building environment issue (ex. water leaks, odors, noises) or an air quality or health issue in a State facility, submit a Work Order using the WIMS Engage Portal. This includes both State-owned and leased buildings and was previously known as a Building-Related Issue Notification (BRIN). 

Reporting an Air Quality or Health Issue immediately alerts the BGS Health and Safety Program. If you do not receive a timely response you may contact us at

Reports of a water leak, odor, or excessive noise issue are directed to your BGS maintenance staff. For leased facilities your BGS leasing team will respond. 

For after-hours building related emergencies use the emergency call list. For leased facilities you may contact the BGS 24/7 Security Hotline Line at 802-828-0777. In a true emergency requiring medical, police, or fire assistance, call 911.

Learn about the Resolution Process for air quality or health-related investigations which follows BGS Administrative Policy #008: Safe and Healthy Building Environments.


Additional Information

To ask questions or learn more, please contact the BGS Health and Safety Program:
Adam Bunde, Health & Safety Program Chief, 802-498-8452
Steven Hubbs, Environmental Health & Safety Coordinator, 802-272-6456
Jason Rudy, BGS Safety Officer, 802-249-5602

Main Office:
133 State Street, 1st Floor

Montpelier, VT 05633-5801