Turn Your Assessments into Building Energy Resilience Projects!
We are very excited to be able to serve the energy efficiency needs of Vermont municipalities through the MERP Implementation Grants, which total to $35,906,142.00 across all 14 Vermont counties.
- Awardees are required to fill-out and submit the MERP Affirmation of Use of Funds (AUF) Form and MERP Payment Request Form to BGS.MERP@vermont.gov to receive any reimbursement of their grant funds.
- Refer to our press release for information regarding the applicant pool and the award determination process.
- Refer to our Updated FAQ Document (as of 3/26/2025), inclusive of details informing grantees of next steps for grant project procurement and process.
- Refer to our MERP Implementation Grant Awardee List.
- HISTORIC PRESERVATION REQUIREMENTS: View our WEBINAR hosted in partnership by the VT Division For Historic Preservation (VDHP), which walks-through the Historic Preservation Review that MERP-funded projects will receive.
- PERMITTING: MERP Projects will require certain permits to ensure that work is legally compliant. Use our MERP Permitting Guide to explore what permits may be needed for your project.
- CUT-SHEET RESOURCES: We have developed "cut-sheets" to inform awardees on the mechanisms and details of the technologies they will be implementing with their grant funds. View Below
- MERP OFFERS and INCENTIVES: Rebates and incentives are available through many different groups across the state for MERP projects.
- Efficiency Vermont:
- EVT offers rebates and assistance for certain technologies and services, see Find Your Rebates | Efficiency Vermont. These can be both prescriptive and custom.
- See Efficiency Vermont Efficiency Excellence Network (EEN), a Vermont program that connects clients to local contractors, installers, retailers, EV dealers, designers, builders, and architects.
- Electric Distribution Utilities Incentives: VT Distributed Utilities offer rebates and other incentives towards MERP projects in the utility territories they exist within.
- Vermont Public Power Supply Authority (VPPSA) assists utility groups in working with customers to evaluate Tier III incentives. See 2025 VPPSA Rebates & Incentives.
- These municipally-owned electric utilities are members of VPPSA and are eligible for their offerings:
- Barton Village, Inc.
- Village of Enosburg Falls Inc.
- Town of Hardwick Electric Department
- Village of Jacksonville
- Village of Johnson, Inc.
- Village of Ludlow Electric Light Department
- Lyndon Electric Department
- Village of Morrisville Water & Light Department
- Town of Northfield Electric Department
- Incorporated Village of Orleans
- Swanton Village, Inc.
- These municipally-owned electric utilities are members of VPPSA and are eligible for their offerings:
- Green Mountain Power (GMP) has advertised third-tier funding and incentives for MERP-awarded projects in their territory. GMP can't overfund projects, but they can potentially help fully funded municipalities with their correct electric rate. See the GMP MERP Incentive Sheet.
- Vermont Electric Co-Op (VEC) offers energy transformation incentives for projects which displace fossil fuels. Custom incentives are possible for MERP Projects. See Energy Transformation Programs — Vermont Electric Coop
- Washington Electric Co-Op (WEC) offers heating, electric-vehicle, and usage incentives. Visit Washington Electric Coop Main Page or contact a WEC Energy Coach (energycoach@wec.coop, 802-224-2329)
- Village of Hyde Park Electric Department: Contact gm@villageofhydepark.com or call 802-888-2310 to work with Hyde Park Elec Dept incentives on a case-by-case basis.
- Vermont Public Power Supply Authority (VPPSA) assists utility groups in working with customers to evaluate Tier III incentives. See 2025 VPPSA Rebates & Incentives.
- Efficiency Vermont:
- Look at the map below to see which municipal buildings have been awarded across the state of Vermont, and the work that will be included within their energy resilience updates.
- Financial reporting for this award is required by the end of each quarter throughout the State of Vermont fiscal year (Quarter 1: July-Sept., Quarter 2: Oct.-Dec., Quarter 3: Jan.-Mar., Quarter 4: Apr.-Jun.).
- If funds were spent over multiple quarters, please submit a report for each quarter in which they were spent.
- Only report on the amount spent in each quarter. When the time comes you have spent all the funds and your projects are complete, you may submit your final report any time within that quarter.
- Your report will be submitted using our Jotform Quarterly Report Form.
- Reporting will be required quarterly to BGS starting with Quarter 3: Jan.-Mar. 2025
- Quarterly reports will be due by the last day of the month that follows the end of the quarter being reported on. (Example: Quarterly report for Quarter 3 2025: Jan.-Mar, is due April 30th, 2025).
- PDF Version of Quarterly Reporting Form