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Accessibility Improvement Services Retainer Contracts


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Accessibility Improvement Services Retainer Contracts


There are four Digital Accessibility Services Statewide Retainer Contracts. You do not have to go through a standard RFP process to access these contracts. The state already negotiated the terms, conditions, and pricing for these accessibility services.

Service Categories

These suppliers can help you make your digital content accessible. Each approved supplier offers a variety of services, such as:

  • Content audits to check websites, apps, and other digital content for accessibility issues.
  • Fixing inaccessible content to make PDFs, webpages, and other digital materials accessible.
  • Transcription, captioning, and audio descriptions to make videos and audio accessible.
  • Accessibility training on how to create and maintain accessible content.

Review the full list of Accessibility Improvement Service Categories (revised 12-20-2024)

The State, as well as local governments, higher education, and schools may utilize these Contracts.

How to use these contracts

ADS is considered the State’s lead on coordinating compliance with the new Department of Justice (DOJ) Accessibility Guidelines.

If you need digital accessibility services, you must go through ADS to start the request. The Agency of Digital Services (ADS) manages these contracts. ADS will request accessibility services from these suppliers on your behalf.

Please don’t contact these suppliers directly.

Step 1: Identify what you need

  • Determine what accessibility support you need (such as an audit, content fixes, training).
  • Complete Attachment D1: Statement of Work Request for Proposals (SOW-RFP) form.
  • Email the completed Attachment D1 form to for review.

Step 2: ADS reviews and sends RFP to suppliers

  • ADS will review your request.
  • ADS will send your RFP to all approved suppliers in the relevant service category.
  • Suppliers will submit proposals to ADS.

Step 3: Choose a supplier

  • Once proposals come in, ADS will send them to you for review.
  • Review the options and select the supplier that best meets your needs.
  • Complete Attachment D2 Statement of Work Agreement.
  • Send it to

Step 4: Get approval

  • ADS will review your selected supplier and SOW Agreement.
  • If the project is $25,000 or more, ADS will route it for the Attorney General’s Office approval.
  • If the project is $2 million or more, ADS will route it for the Secretary of Administration’s approval.

Step 5: Manage and complete the work

  • Once approved, you can move forward with the work.
  • You are responsible for managing the day-to-day aspects of the SOW agreement. ADS will provide administrative oversight.

Agreement Templates

Restrictions on Use of Scope of Work (SOW) Agreements

Spending Limits

These contracts have a maximum spending limit for individual projects. Check the spending limits for each supplier in the spreadsheet below. You can't exceed the limits without special approval from the BGS Commissioner.



Email Stefanie Malmstein in the Office of Purchasing and Contracting if you need more information.